Educational robots for persons with disabilities


Video overview

#1. Disability results from the interaction between people with some type of limitation and environmental barriers that prevent their full and effective participation in society.

#2. Disability is a disease and can be contagious.

#3. People with disabilities can form a family and live independently.

#4. People with disabilities develop special capabilities.

#5. Blind people cannot use cell phones or computers.

#6. Deaf people are also mute, so it is correct to say deaf-mutes.

#7. People with intellectual disabilities should be treated as children.

#8. Sign language is not universal.

#9. Robotics confuses and complicates the evolution and recovery of people with special needs.

#10. The most important tool to work on any type of disability is inclusion and for this to take place, the inclusion of robots in the sessions is fundamental to work on socialization, communication and personal enrichment.



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